LJ uaiuy fkess. NhWd, Virginia J'Kiu-w. i-kbkuaki 29. 1924. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus STOCK PIES MOVE UP MORE BRISKLY that stjv muvt j.
OOCET OF THE WATERFRONT 1 Get a Mountain II I Top This entire section la at your com VM mand through the use of the classl- lW il lied column.1 of the Daily Press. ljjn Here you find the things ycu want Wm or through it is offered a medium KM Arrivals and Departures of In tereit In This and Other Great Shipping Centers of the World. GOSSIP OF THE SEAS PICKED UP ON EIVEB What Great Ocean Rovers Bring In and What They Carry Today's Tides Sua rites 6:37 a. Sun sets 6:00 p. JL T.
4:46 a. 6:13 p. T- 11:02 11:05 p. 111. WINDS East Gulf: Gentle to moderate variable and fair Friday.
Sandy Hook to Hatteras: Moder-ate to fresh northwest and north; fair Friday. 'Hatteras to Florida straits: Moderate west and northwest and weather fair Friday. Although Wednesday's activities as far as things marine go were abso-lute'y nil, yet jesterday found ships again making this city a port ot call whtr. seven ships came in, one for bunkers, one for repairs and the r-malndcr for general and coal cargoes. The Danish ship Emllle Maersk was the one coming here, for repairs The repairs are understood to be minor and it is thought that ehe will not 'be kept here long.
The C. Blake company is her agent. The Berwind White Coal company had the French ship Wesserling to corr.e in today from Baltimore to load a cargo of coal. She will proJj- ably get out today, going to Mar- sJiies, The Trewyn was another ship to arrive yesterday, oad and get ou in the afternoon. She came here from Kt Johns and left here for Auckland with a general cars.
She loaded liee under the Norton Lilly company. The Lutitian sailed last night far England, the exact port being unknown at the time of her departure. S'he loaded bunkero here under the Furr.ess Withy company. A It. Hoffman had the Asator t) nail yesterday ior France with a cac-co of coal.
Customs Report Entered: Emllle Maersk (Dan) Chester, Blake, water balast. Wesserling f.Fr) Baltimore, Ber-v-ind Whito Coal company, water ballast. Trewyn (Tir) St. John, Norton Lll-Iv general cargo. Cleared: Wearpool (Br) Greece, Smokelesr Fuel company, Wesserling (Fr) Marsei'Ics, Berwind White Coal company, bunkers Albert H.
Willis (Am) tan Do-mlngo, A. Hoffman, cargo of coil T-ewyn (Br) Auckland, N. Nor ton Lilly company, general cargo. Arrivals EmilievMaersk (Dan) Chester, Blake, repairs. Wee-serltng (Fr) White.
CoaL company, cargo of i T'-ewyn (Br) St. Johns, Norton Lilly company, general cargo. City of Oran (Kr) New Tork, Norton Lilly company, general cargo. Rhode Island (Br) Norfolk, Fur-ness Withy, general cargo. Breedyk (Du) Norfolk, Holland American, general cargo.
L'H'tian (Br) England, Furness Withy, bunkers Sailings Abator (Nor) France, R. Hoffman, cargo of coal. Trewyn (IBr) Auckland, Norfolk, Norton Lilly company, gener.tl cargo. V6ne of the tallest university build-Viirs in tho United States if not in the world. Is to be built for Northwestern University, Evanston, III.
I Uliru rArrrr crkut FUNERAL DIRECTOR Lady Assistant Embalmer PHONES: Office, 1: Residence, 41. 2709-11 Huntington Ave. I for the things you want to sell. If it's results you're after our want Mmj) ads will turn the trick, fl There's news in the classified ads. mrfl Km Read them for profit; use them for, WHOLE tvKUCR OONT KNOW HI Name; (uruftutio HOUSES WANTED WANTED BY COUPLE WITH NO children, a fcungelow or 'small house; will rent for summer and buv It satisfactory; must be strictly modern.
In the North Knd; and pre fer view of River. Telephane 14t or address A. K. care Dally Press. SPECIAL NOTICES YOU WILL GET THE BEST QUA1- Ity.
and the moat for your money by having your spring: suit hand-tnllored to measure. J. Tom Smith. 3110V Washington tf YOU WILL KIND A FULL- LINE ot new seed for spring planting at our store. We can advise you when and how to plant, Warwick Farm ivupply 3706 Huntington avenue.
Phone 1870. tf AUTOMOBILES STORED, WASHED and cleaned. W. V. Conard.
Thirty-first street and Huntington avenue. PAINTS. STAIN AND VARNISHK manufactured In our city by our people and guaranteed. Why not buy hi me products ror aaie oy o. J.
BrluiDfliam, 321 Tweutj-eighth treat STORES AND OFFICES fOR RENT ONH STORB NO. 1031 Washington avenue. The best Bus iness block In the city. Immediate possession. For price apply to.
J. Tilghman, nc 138 Twenty-eighth street. FURNISHED FOR RENT FURNISHED HEAT- ed room for gentleman or couple. Ill Thirty-fourth street. Phone 10K-J.
tf APARTMENTS FOB BENT FOR RENT, SECOND FLOOR apartment 713 Thirtieth street. five rooms and bath, March 1st. Ap ply 328 Twenty-seventh street, 29 SCHEDULE NORFOLK FERRY Via Pine Bssoh Winter Seheduta kpeelal Accommodations tor Auto mobile. STEAMER LEAVES PINB BEACH PIER: 7:00. 1:10.
10:00, 11:30 a.m.; 1:00, 2:30. 4:00, :10. 7.00, 1:19, 10:00, 11:80 p. in. STEAMER LEAVES BOAT HARBOR NEWPORT NEWS: f.lt 7:48, 8:16, 10:45 a.
m.l 12:16, 1:46. 4:45, 1:15. 7:46. CIS. 11:15 p.
Cars marked Naval Base or Pine Beach leaving City Hall avenue and Montlcello avenue, Norfolk, fifty mlnutea ahead of schedule ordinarily connect with steamer. Cam leaving Twenty-eighth srtreet and Washington avenue, Newport News, fifteen mlnutea ahead of schedule connects with ateamer, CHESAPEAKE FERRY COMPANY Winter Schedule Effective Not. 1st Leave Gloucester Point, dally, first trip :45 a. and hourly until p. m.
Leave Yorktown, dally. Unit trip 7 a. and hourly until 8 p. in. This schedule la subject to cbangt without notice.
STEAMER ONETIA TO SMITHFIELD DAILY Leave Gmlthfleid a. p. Battery Park 1:30 p. Nnwport New 10.10 a. t.10 p.
m. Pier A. Excursion Newport News to mlthflele every Sunday 10:10 a. m. SUNDAY Leave Bmlihfl.ld 00 a.
m. 1:00 p. Ntwport New a. jt :10 p. m.
CHESAPEAKE A OHIO RAILWAY Effective Octoesr 38, 1S23. Fast Trains Leave Newport News for Richmond and the Wsst I SI a. 1:01 p. 4.61 p. daliv.
Locals leave a. a. aad p. in. dully.
Steamer Service for Norfolk. Leaves Newport News 10:40 a. m. dally 2:00 p. dally.
p. m. SMITHFlELD LINE" '1 mad Pralgtit Steamer HAMPTON ROADS J. M. a.M 'CU A.
V. Morfolk All 10.0 f.M T.tt T.tS Old Bu Ltn Wharf. Main St. I Air Newport PUT IeeeVJWKl't WwfWeaateAn Battery Park. kt Sntttttfltld IM Daily Excapt Sun-laj.
Subject to ehaoce without notice. IknechRataa and Connection! to flalllsa. 1 Naw York. Boatoa. Providanca.
trraexM as a-td UatU 4J0 P. It. N. N. 4 N.
BUNCH keys, between Twenty-fourth strict and West avenue and Courthouse and Peninsula Garage, Reward If returned to Boy Scout Headquarters, between a and p. m. 29 LOST SATURDAY NIGHT, bunch keys. In or near post office. Reward If returned to 120 Twenty-seventh street.
Tel. 283. LOST LADY'S SOLITA1RW DIA-mond ring, probably on Washington street, between Thirty-fifth and Twenty-fifth streets. Would appreciate If finder r.tll at Times-Herald or call 16U3-J. Reward.
tf AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE PAY AS YOU RIDE IN THE VOL-lowlnsr cars: Ford Touring, Just overhauled; Bulck 1933 six cylinder 5 passenger touring; Bulck 1921 six cylinder 6 passenger touring; Olds mobile cylinder 5 passenger tour Ing; Chevrolet passenger touring car; Oakland 6 passenger cyunaer Btudchukor Touring Car; we allow you many months to pay. Buntlne Motor Car phone 253, 3609 Huntington avenue. tf FOR SALE CHP1AP. BIO SIX Studebaker. 1921 Model.
Phone 8 Address 3406 Washington avenue. 24 HELP WANTEDMALE T. KSTABLI81 IED A I firm has opening for an ambltioui vmina man with rood approacn Snmo selling experience wl.l be of u.h.n hut to learn auickly narwiaarv. Steady position and ularv enmmentfurata with ability Apply In own nanowruing, bivih particulars and references. Address M.
rare Daily Press. 28 WAVTKD A YOUNG MAN FROM Newport News who Is willing to learn restaurant business. Good salary to start Apply A No. i Dairy Lunch. 8115 Washington avenuo.
HELP WANTED FEMALE COLORED MATRON TiAtantlnn Hosnltal: must' be able to read and write; salary 840 00 ner month with room ana poara. Apply Virginia avenue. winn iWAKP! ACCOUNTANT nil Ktennaranher. familiar with lumber and mill work preferred-one hundred fifty mllee west of Richmond: Ideal conditions. Ad dress J.
No. 39. care Dally Press. WANTED NEAT COLORED GIRIj for house work, can at lift imr ty-f ourth street, botween 1 and m. jrriaay.
WANTED RELIABLE HOUSE keener or cook to go to North car ollna; a steady Job and good salary to right party. Apply at once to 3405 Washington avenue. 29 HELP MALE AND FEMALE COLORED MEN AND WOMEN make big money during spare time soiling Sta-Strato. Wonderful new liquid absolutely straightens hair without hot combs. Everybody -raises Sta-Strate.
Try It and con vlnco yourself. Price 81.00. Pay postman when he brings bottle. Or der now. Sta-Strate Corporation Atlanta, Georgia.
11 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTKD TO HEAR FROM SOME one who Is anxious of bettering himself by Investing snutll amount of monev In BTowlna business: no exDerlonce necessary. Auciress O. P. Box 641. WANTED SECOND HAND FUR nlture bought and sold.
N. Lin field, 227 Twenty-llfth street; phone 2243-W. tf LIVESTOCK AND PETS AT STUD IMPORTED PRIZE winning German Police Dog Oer von No de-, fez. jaa.zuy, a. 30.700.
Color cream with black saddle. Fee service, if unpro ductive. one return service. Ribbons at Hudson, N. Bronx, N- Y.
Scranton. and Georee Rowe, Cherry avenue, Hamp ton, R. F. 4, Box 132a. Phone 2329-W, Newport News.
1 MONEY TO LOAN inr, NBWJ'OIIT NEWS BUILDINU and Loan Association offers money on real estate, to bo paid In fo mos or sooner, tf bomo owner so desires No brokerage and othei charges verj reasonable. C. D. West Secretary, 12H Twenty-sixth street Phone 317. REAL ESTATE WANTED VOK BEST RESULTS LIST TOUR property for stle or rent with us.
We wr.to all kinds of Insurance. S. W. fJodwin 117 Twenty-sixth street. Phone 2017.
tf I'OU HAVE THE PKOPEHTV I have tho clients; lets rent It or sell t. G. A. Uradford, 142 Twenty-siith street; phone 113. tf I 4 Caused by Compromise Beached by Regular and Insurgent Republicans on Tax Bill (By Associated Press.) NEW QYORK, Feb.
28. Stock prices moved briskly upward In today's mora active session on publication of Washington despatches set-tins forth that the regular Republicans and the insurgents had reached a compromise on the tax bill whereby the maximum surtax rate would be 37 1-3 per cet. Much of the buying power consisted of cov, ering operations by traders who have been selling stocks freely on the relatively poor Northwestern Railroad earnings for January and the unfavorable developments in the copper industry. Today trade news varied in character. Omission of the regular dividend on Inspiration Copper was off-e' by the declaration of the regular payment on Kennecott and a further of 1-8 to 1-4 cents a pound in the price of the red metal, which probably was a result of a curtailment of operations by the Inspiration and Calument Hecla companies.
Fresh selling of the copper shares followed the annouccment of the Inspiration directors' action. Anaconda, which controls Inspiration, establishing a new 1924 low at 32 3-8, but it later rallied to 34, off 1-8. Announcement of the Kennecott dividend brought good buying sun-port into the copper group and emphasized the contrast between the earnings position of the high and low cost producers. Kennecott closed 11-3 points higher at 36 5-8. American Smelting and Utah registered substantial fractional gains.
Speculative interest 4n the market was not confined to the industrials. Norfolk Western jumping about nine points to 1191-4, a new 1924 high, on reports of its possible ac-miisition by the Pennsylvania- and the prospects for the extra dividend. Chesapeake Ohio also, was in good demand, closing nearly three points higher at 711-4. Northern Pacific dropped 1 5-8 on publication of a poor January earn-ngs statement. Several of the other northwestern roads were heavy for the same reason, but, tho net.
losses were limited to fractions. Among the so-called pivotal stocks, United States Steel common closed 13-4 higher at 104; Baldwin moved up 11-8 to 123; American Can advanced nearly 2 points to 114 3-, and Studebaker showed a net gain of 11-2 at 1031-4. Oil shares, which have been displaying reactionary endencies as a result of the Washington inquiry disclosures and speculative fear of government control of 11 production and prices, developed special strength today on pub'lca-tlon of the weekly report of the American Petroleum Institute, showing substantial reductions in crude oil production and imports for the week ending February 23. Other outstanding strong spots were DuPont, General Electric, Mack Truck, American Beet Sugar, American Hide and Leather preferred! Burns Brothers and Willys Overland preferred, all up '0 4 points. Call money ruled unchanged at tl-2 per cent Time money was still on a 4 3-4 to per cent, basis.
The commercial paper market was lu'et with no change In rates. Foreign exchange rates displayed a firm tone. Demand sterling ruled about half a cent higher around $4.30, sndFrench francs rallied about 12 noints io around 4.21 1-2 cents Other Europeans, currencies Unproved In sympathy. Bond Review Heavy buying of Norfolk Western convertible 6 ter cent bonds accompanied the brisk advance of the stock today, both issues reaching new high levels for the year. The bonds touched a price of 119 before falling back to 118 1-2 at the close, a net gain of more than seven points for the day.
Despite conspicuous strength of other issues, the general price trend of the railroad mortgages was lower with- considerable Irregularity in other sections of the list. Reports that Norfolk Western would be leased to the Pennsylvania I Railroad under a plan guaranteeing I annual dividends of 8 per cent, and that the road also was considering navmpnt rt ft 5ft ner rent, ntnek dlvt- dend was responsible for the activity in its stock and bond Issues. Strength of Chicago Alton 3 l-2s, which gained two points on publication of earnings reports showing substantial recovery during the year, was another feature of fading in railroad bonds. Advances in Seaboard, -Frisco and New Haven issues, however, were offset by losses in Kansas City Southern 5s, Wbslv 7s, Illinois Central 61-2s and other high grade Partial recovery of the Virginia- SHELTEP Five MEN Carolina Chemical issues followed op timistic statements from official sources, indicating that the company had sufficient cash to meet current needs. After their drastic decline of yesterday all issues steadied, the 7 l-2 with warrants closing two points higher, and the 7s gaining fractionally on the day.
Liquidation of the copper company liens was less pronounced despite the omission of the Inspiration dividend, and the prices held fairly firm. New York Stock List AWd Chem Dye Amer'can Can Am. Car Foundry Am. Inter. Corp Am Locomotive Am.
Jtmelt Ret American Sugar 68 114 3-S 165 C3 74 7-J 69 7-3 67 1-1 129 73 1-2 34 99 7-S 116 123 6-f 56 S-S 25 3-8 147 14 3-4 46 60 71 1-' 23 1-2 61 1-' 23 l- 27 3-' 64 61 IS 80 3-' 175 7-8 35 63 1-1 69 7-8 54 180 3-' 26 66 5-F 40 1-J 209 Air. Tel Tel Am. Woolen Copper Atch. Top Santa Fe Vt'intlc Coast Line Ba'dwin Locomotive Ba'timore Ac Ohio Beechnut Packing- Bethlehem Steel California Petroleum Pamdlan Pacific Certral Leather Cero de Pasco Chandler Motor Oherapeake Ohio Chip M. St.
P. pfd Chicago Northwestern Chip Rock I 4 Pao Chile Copper Coca. Cola Consolidated Gaa Consolidated Textile Continental Can Com Products Oil Steel Cuba Cane Sugar pfd Davi-son Chemical Dupont de Nem Erie Famous Players Lasky Asphalt General ectric General Motors Grent Northern pfd Gulf States Steel Illinois Central Inwp'-ratlon Copper Invincible OH Springfield Kenrecott Copper Lima Locomotive Louievllle Nash Maek Truck 14 5-f 56 1 83 7-f 101 3-: 23 1-J 14 1-? 25 1-i 36 5-; 66 89 87 37 If Mei-iand OH Middle i-tates Oil Mo. Pacific pfd New Tork Central N. Y.
N- H. Hartford Northern Pacific Pacific OH Pan Am. Petroleum Penreylvania Phillips Petroleum Producers Refiners Pure Oil P.eading Rerublic I. Steel Remolds Tobacco 5t Louis San Fran Seaboard Air Line Seeboard Air Line pfd Sears Roetouck Shd Union OH Sinclair Oil Slosr u-hef field Steel foul hern Pacific Southern Ry Southern Ry pfd Standard Oil of Cal Standard Oil of N. J.
Stewart Warner Sttilebaker Tennessee Copper Texas company Texan Pacific Toibacco Products, A Transcontinental Oil Union Pacific V. Cast Iron Pipe V. lnd Alcohol V. S. Rubber V.
Steel Utah Copper Virginia Caro Chem Wevtinghouse Elec Overland pfd Hudson Motor 5 3-S 35 1 101 3-3 20 l-l 60 7-f 63 3-8 8-S l- 1-' 3-8 56 T-! 6 1-f 23 1-S 10 21 1-' 89 1-2 18 1-1 22 1-" 64 3-? 88 l-r 49 5-f 72 l-l 63 39 90 1-' 103 1-4 8 3-c 43 24 I-' 89 4 130 1-' 3- 66 3-76 1-? 36 3-' 104 63 7-f 5 1-f 62 5-f 85 1-4 26 7-f NEW YORK BONDS Foreign Bonds Argentine 7s "101 Dom. of Canada 5 l-2s, 1929.. 101 French Republic 7 l-2s 94 1-8 Kingdom of Belgium 101 Kingdom of Denmark 6s 94 3-4 Swiss Confederation 115 1-3 Uu. G.B.&I. 5 101 1-8 IT.
8. of Brazil 93 1-4 U. S. of Mexico. 50 Railway A Miscellaneous Bands Am.
Chem. 71-28 98 1-3 American Smelt Ref. 6s- 93 6-8 American Sugar 6s loz Atchison gn. 4s 86 3-4 Atlantic Coast Line 1st 86 3-4 Baltimore Ohfo cv. 4 86 Central of C-eorgla 6s 100 7-8 Central Leather 6s 84 5-8 Chesapeake Ohia cv.
93 Chicago, B. Qulncy ref. 6s 68 Chic, Mil. St. P.
cv. 4 l-2s 65 3-4 Chic. I 1 Pac ref 48 76 1-8 Chile Copper 6s 100 8-8 Colorado South, ref. 4 l-2s 83 1-8 Erie gen. 4s 55 ttondvear Tire 8s.
1931 103 Illinois Central ref. 4s 80 1-2 fnt. Mer. Marine 6s 81 Kansas Citv South, ref. 5s.
87 1-8 Kelly-Sprlngfleld Tire 102 1-8 Llgget Myers 5s 96 1-2 Mo. Kan. Tex. pr. lien 6s.
80 1-2 Missouri Pac. gen. 4s 53 1-8 New York Central deb. 104 1-4 Norfolk Western cv. 6..
118 1-8 Northern (Pacific 4s 80 6-8 Nor. Nor. Joint Pennsylvania gen 5s. 100 Reading gen. 5s St.
li.Sc. San Fran. adj. Seaboard Air Line con. Sinclair Oil 7 l-2s 90 75 5-8 75 1-4 Southern Pacific cv.
4s Sruthern Railway Es Southern Railway 6 l-2s Union Pacific 4s V. 8. Steel 5s Chem. 7 l-2s. Wabash 1st Wilson Co.
71-2s Seaboard Adj. 5s Southern Railway 4s 93 1-2 96 1-2 103 1-4 89 102 1-8 48 1 97 95 1 62 1 70 Liberty bonds closed: 31-2s, 99.5; 1st 4S, 99.3 bid; 2nd 48. 99; 1st 41-48 99.5; 2nd 41-4s, 69.3; 3rd 41-4, 100: HOUSES FOR BENT FOR REST TWO J-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. 00 BLOCK, TWENTY SEVENTH STREET. THIRTY IK)LLARS A MONTH.
THONE 2055 OR 207 29 FOR RENT ONU 10 ROOM BRICK House; plenty of light and air "lose In town, 825 per month. Apply 420 Twenty-seventh street tf POULTRY AND SUPPLIES CUSTOM HATCHEKI CAPACITY 45.000 eggs. If you want chicks in large lots cheaper than you can hatch with small incubator. or hens order your space now In a large hatchery. Write for prices and terms.
Default having occurred under terms of a deed of trust dated April 10, 1922, recorded in Clerk's Office of Newport News Corporation Court in Deed Botfk 87, page 165, executed by Ruker Morgan and wife, to the undersigned Trustee, at the re quest of the party secured, the undersigned will offer for sale at Pub lic Auction, In front of the premi ses, at ii o'ciock a. on TUESDAY. MARCH 11. 1924. the following property, as described In said deed of trust, towlt: Lot Number Fifty-seven (67), In Block Fourteen (14 on Braxton's "Map of Part of the City of Newport News," filed In Warwick Coun ty -ierKS urnce October 15, 1890, ana also on Official Map of City of Newport News filed In Clerk's Office of Newport News Corporation Court In Plat Book 1, on page 4, wun ouiicungs and im provements, etc.
Terms CASH. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TEE TRUS Chicago Markets. Feb. 28. BrsakiM h.
season's high price record Continued today in the corn market. This was the third successive day tht, owing to prospective scarcity the Julv mil September deliverise attained a now top level. Closing quotations were lr. regular at 1-4 cent net decline to 1-4 cents advance. May 81 j-4 to 81 7-8.
Wheat finished unchanged to 1-2 cents higher; Ulay 110 8-8 to 110 1-2 and Julv 010 7-8 with oats l- a l-Vfn 1.1 cents down, and provisions varying from 2 Cents decline to an equal gain. Livestock. Cattle, receipts 10,000: active: beef steers and fat she stock strong to 25 cents higher; top handywtlght bullocks llio; best heavy steers 1115; several loads 1030 a 1110; shipping demand broad; bulls easy; vealers 60 cents lower; bulk to packers 1000 a 1100; stockers and feeders strong. Hogs, receipts opened five ta ten cents higher; closing slow; most of early advance lost; 40,000 unsold at noon; early good and choice medium and heavyweight butchers 710 a 715; few choice 270 a 325 pound butchers 720; better grades J60 a 210 pound average 690 a 705; parking sows 615 a 640; strong weight pigs 575 a 625. Sheep, receipts 7.000; best grades fat lambs steady to strong; eheep strong, feding lambs steady; desirable fat wooled Iambs 1585 a 1835 top 1645; choice clipped lambs 1340 a 1375; 107 pound yearling wethers 1375; good fat ewes 900; feeding lambs 1465 a 1490.
Wheat: High Close 110 1-2 110 3-8 110 7-8 110 7-8 111 HI 82 1-4 81 3-4 83 3-8 82 82 1-4 83 1-8 49 3-8 it 46 7-8 46 5-8 43 5-8 43 1-2 May July September Corn: May July September Osts: May July September Lard: May July 1130 .1152 1127 1147 Ribs: May July 980 1005 Bellies: May July 1042 1060 1037 1060 New York Livestock. tjkk, tea. it cattle, re ceipts 607; steady; steers 550 a state bu is 325 a S7S; cows 200 a 475. Calves, receipts 1310; stesdy; veals 16S0 1700; culls and little calves 050 a grassers 475 a 575. Sheep and lambs, receipts 370; steady; sheep 450 a 650; cu'ls 225 a 325; lambs 950 a 1S75; culls 800 a 1100.
Hogs receipts 16M; steady; light to medium weights 785 a S10; pigs 755 770; heavy hogs 730 a 745; roughs COO a 700. Foreign Exchsnoe. NEW TUKK, Feb. z. KoreiKn ex change firm.
Oreat Britain demand 4 30; cables 4.30 1-4; 60 day Mils on banks 4.27 3-4. France demand 4.21 1-2; cables 4.22. Italy demand 4 SO 1-2; cables 4.31. Belgium demand 3 cables 8.64. Germany demand 000000000022; Holland 37.26; Norway 13.17; Sweden 26.10; Denmark 15.81; 17.39; Spain 12.65; Greece 1.72; Poland Czecho-Slovakla 2 90 1-4; 1.27; Austria 1.27; Austria Rumania Argentina 34.12 Brar.il 12.15; Toklo Montreal ti U-16.
Wednesday's snow storm hiving don SPECIAL COMMISSIONER'S BALE Of valuable paresis of Real estate, Improved nnd unimproved. In the City of Newport News, to held In front of Court House on Bsturday, Mrch 1921. Under and pursuant to th terms of a decretal order enured, In vacation, by the Judge of the Circuit Court of the City of Newport News, Vlrslnla, on February 19, 1924, In the chancery cause of Crown Savings Bank, Plaintiff, asalnst Robert D. Smith and Flornc tiniith. Defendants, appointing the undersized Hpeclal ComimnKloners for the purpose, we will sell, at i'uh Auction In front of the Court House In Newport News, on SATURDAY, MAHCII 8, 1924 AT 11 O'CLOCK, A.
the following properties, to-wit: (1) That property on the CORNER OF TWENT Y-EIOHTH STREET A.NU OAK AVENUE, NO. 2116 OAK AVfc-NUE known as lots One (1) Two 2), Three (3) and Four 4) In Block Eleven (11 as designated on Braxton's "Map of the Central Land Company's HaMt Newport Property, filed in the Clerk's Olltc of Warwick County, Virginia. November 21, 1891, as described In deed of trust from K. D. ilmltlt and wife to Security Trust end Havlnns Hank of Newport News.
Virginia, Trustca, dated October 13, 1919, re-corded In the Clerk's Office of New-lort News Corporation Court In Ded Kook 74, page 85. Default having occurred thereunder, sale will be held uiiuer and pursuant to terms of said deed of trust. Terms CASH. (2) Immediately after the above property Is knocked down, wo will sell COAL AUCTION SALES TRUSTEE'S SALK OF VALUABLE DWKI.1.1NU HOUSK, NO. 213 TUIKT1-TH1RD STHEKT Dnfault haviiiK occurred under the terms of a deed of trust duted No vember 4, 1821, recorded in tne Clerk's Office of the Corporation Court ot Newport News, in Deed Rook 80.
nnao B0. executed by Eliz abeth M. Walker and husband, to the undersis-ned Trustee, at the requesi of the party secured, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction, In front of the premises, at 10 o'clock A. on SATURDAY, MARCH 8, the following property, as described In said deed of trust, to-wit: Lot No. Nineteen (19) In Block No.
Two Hundred and Twenty-one (221) as shown on "Map of Part of the City of Newport News, Va." recorded In Plat Rook 1, pago 3, logeltier wun the buihlinKs, Ho. Terms: CASH. THE FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA, Trustee. TRUSTEE SALK OK VALUAP.LE DWELLING HOUSE AND TWO LOTS ON HAY AVENUE. BETWEEN HANK AND JACKSON' ST MEETS, R1VERVIEW.
Default having occurred under deed of trust dated September 18, 1919, recorded In the Clerk's Oillce of Circuit Court of Elizabeth City County, Virginia, in Trust Deed Book No. 60, page 479, executed by drover C. Rogers and wife to Ihe under signed Trustee at the request, of the party secured, the umiorsignl will offer for sale, at Public Auction, in front of the premises, at 11 o'clock A. M-, on FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1924. tho following property, as described in said deed of trust, 'o-wlt: IJts Nos.
Eleven (11) und Twelve (12) Jn Block 'o. Twenty (20) us shown on Fltchrtt's "Map of recorded In Elizabeth City County Clerk's Office, November 20, 1892, together with the buildings and Improvements, etc Terms: CASH SECURITY TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK OF NEWPORT NEWS, VA. Trustee oonslderab'e damrqi; to tli" telephone lines in and around the city, tho local telephone offices hart Its full repair force out all day yesterday, and last nlsht announced tlut by tonight or Kutuniay the chances are all damage will have been repaired, tinklif nomethlng elne happens in the meanwhile. Julte number of subscribers were left without service as a result of tiio storm damage, which arrle down several wires, but inont of these had been reconnected yesterday evening, umt the repairmen were driving Meadily ahead with their work, according to Manager J. M.
11. Morgan. GET BAD NEWS NORFOLK, Feb. En thuslasm of tho so-called Edwards heirs, who expected to inherit nn estate of $100,000,000 in New York, was somewhat dampened today ns the result of a mass-meeting yester day. The conferen'c.
was attended hy more than sixty clMimnnts and their HOT AS BLAZES CARBON SPLINT A reil all lump coal of uniform size (2 in. 4 in.) of carbon, no clinkers, not much ash. A wonderful coal for the money Try a ton or two for ECONOMIC HEAT Phones 29 64 Andrews Coal Inc. that property, on NORTH SIDE OK TWENTY-NINTH STREET, No. 1284, knuwn as Lot Number Fifty-one (51) In Block Ten (10 on Braxton's Mau of the Central Land Com pany's liib.nl Newport News Property," filed In Clerk's Office of County of Warwick, Virginia, Novsmmber 21, iX'Jl, as described In deed of trust from H.
D. Smith and wife dated October 2J, iril7, recorded In Clerk's Otftcs of Newport News Corporation Court In Deed Hook page 411. Defau.t having occurred thereunder, sale will bs iieid under nd pursuant to terms of said I fleert of trust. Terms CASil. (3) Immediately after the abov property is knocked down, we will sell that property on DEAN (TWENTY- NINTH STREET), No.
1331, known a Isil Fifty-five and ine-nalf 1-2) In oemples Hat of J.cob Heit'elflngers illiams Land, recorded In Clerk's Of flee of the County Cuurt of Warwick C.untv Virginia, In Deed Book page la. 1 eriris Purchaser to assume pay ment ot ibw.uu witn interest from 1, 1923, secured hy deed of irust dated October 31 11(12, recorded Clerk Office of Newport News Cor anon court in jieen hook z. wn 445, subject to which deed of trust property will be sold; balance to be uaid in rasli. 4) Immediately after the above property Is knocked down, wo will sell, I WO (2) LOTS ON OAK AVENUE known as Lots Seven (7) and Kit-lit In Block Eeven (II as drs- gnated on Braxton 1 Mao of the Cen Land Company's East News Property," and on map recorded in cierk umce of Newport -ews Cor poration Court In Plat Book 1, on pace 1. These lots will first be nut up sep arately, and then together und the metnou resulting in tun hlirnest ori will nrevsll.
Terms: One-third cash and balance payable In one and two years, with Interest at six percent. WM. C. STUART, S. R.
BUXTON. Sneclal Commissioners. I UNDER WANTED mmmmmmmammaammmmstmmtmmmmm Seventy TO WILLIAMSBURG Bchedule Effective Thursday, Nov. 1st 1923 Bus Line to Fort Kustls, Leo Hall, Yorktown and Wlllllamsburf. Bchedule subject to change without notice Leave N.
N. Leave fu Kuatla Ltuvt Vorsiowa Leave Wmbg. 2Slh St. Lea UU Monument College Wash. Ave.
IMA.lt 1:46 A.M. 8:10 A. M. (:60 A.M. M.
11:46 A.M. AM. 16 A.M. 13:16 P.M. 1:46 P.M.
11.46 A.M.' 12 0DM. M. 40 P. M. 1:46 P.M.
2:00 P.M. 4:16 P.M. 6:46 P.M. 1:46 P.M. 4:00 P.
0:16 P.M. P.M. 6:46 P.M. 6:00 P. M.
7:16 P.M. 10:26 P.M. 1:40 P.M. OOr. M.
1:16 P.M. 11:00 P. M. :0 M. 1.J5P M.
All busses from Newport News go to Williamsburg, except 0:00 P. M. All busies from Newport News go to Yorktown, except 11:00 P. M. 6.60 A.
M. bus for Newport Newk. Ira vas Port Kustls junction only. 7:15 P. M.
bus for Newport News, leaves Fort Eustis. :10 P. M. bus leaves Fort Kustls. :15 P.
M. bus passing Lee Hall, goes to Fort :15 P. M. bus passing Le Hall, goes to Newport News. 10:26 P.
M. bus from Yorktown toes to Fort Eustls Junction ealy. Commuters tickets wilt be aoli Stod ants attending Wtlllasi Mary Uff. PENINSULA TRANSIT COr. at C.
O. Pier 3 AT 8:00 A. M. TOMORROW MORNING 40c 45c and 50c per hour I hereby certify that the bond In penalty 000. 00 required by the ahova mentioned Decree of February 19, 1924, has been executed by the above named Special Commissioners with security approved by mo.
Given under my hand this 23rd day of February, 1934. R. E. MARA BLE, Clerk of Circuit Court of Newport News. Vr.
24.2,27,:8,29,-l,2a,4M,7,. 4th 4l-4, 99.5; treasury 41-4s. 100 7 ttorneys. i 1.